Finding a Great Relationship – The Law of Levels

You will attract what you are. Whatever level you are at, you will most likely end up with someone at the same level. If you are emotionally disturbed you will attract an emotionally disturbed person. This may manifest itself in a different way; for example, a woman who grew up in an alcoholic home may be pleased to find herself dating a man who is not an alcoholic; however his marijuana smoking may be the problem.

Have you ever noticed that, when you aren‘t feeling good about yourself, you always seem to be surrounded by jerks? What about when you you‘re at a real high point at your life. What type of man did you attract?

Your challenge

Test the law of levels in your own dating/relationship past. This will help you discover some of your potential tendencies.

Reflect on your past relationships during different times in your life. Identify the major characteristics of the issues surrounding the relationship, and then take the same approach to figure out what your state was like during this time.

Contact us to learn about how a Relationship Coach can help you find the happiness you deserve.

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