
Online Dating Tips

Online Dating Tips

Online Dating Tips Online dating has changed the dating world. Over the past few years, it has become very mainstream,...

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How to Make a Relationship Work

How to Make Your Relationship Work: Practical Tips Relationships are hard work. Often a lot harder than our actual jobs. This is part of the reason we’re so passionate about relationship coaching. To give you the professional guidance and support you may need to make...

How to Survive a Break-up

How to Survive a Break-up Break-ups are hard on the heart but good for the soul. A break-up is a transition phase where you prepare to find someone that is more aligned to your values and can provide you the kind of love you need. That may be true but in the meantime...

Online Dating Tips

Online Dating Tips Online dating has changed the dating world. Over the past few years, it has become very mainstream, and continues to grow. This has never been truer after Covid-19 where love has become virtual. What you Need to Know About Online Dating The biggest...

How to Fix Your Relationship

How to Fix Your Relationship Relationships are hard. There are a lot of emotions involved and it’s hard for us to look at a situation objectively. It's normal to have strong feelings about our relationships. We usually have a lot of love for the person we are in a...

What I Wish I Had Known Before I Got Divorced

What I Wish I had known before I got Divorced Marriage Should be Hard and Divorce Is Not Easy Marriage isn’t easy, we all know this. That doesn’t mean we should give up or throw in the towel at the first sign of a struggle. I thought my marriage would last forever. I...

How to Know if You are Ready for Dating

How do You know if You are Ready for Dating No one is perfectly ready to be in a relationship. There are times when you need time to recover from a previous relationship, or need to focus on taking care of yourself. Many people have relationship difficulties during...

Dating in a COVID World


How to Find a Better Relationship

Be a Better You To find a good partner you need to be a good partner. If you are looking for a high quality person, you need to understand exactly what that means. If there are qualities that you are looking for in a partner, you first need to be able to bring out...

One relationship you must end!

Listen...You might find You already know it's time Your Relationship Must End Your inner critic is that little, or not so little voice that criticizes, second guesses and just generally provides a negative soundtrack. Everyone has one, the level to which you let it...

Finding a Great Relationship – The Law of Levels

You will attract what you are. Whatever level you are at, you will most likely end up with someone at the same level. If you are emotionally disturbed you will attract an emotionally disturbed person. This may manifest itself in a different way; for example, a woman...

Finding Happiness in your Relationship Right Now

At Relationship Divas we talk a lot about working on yourself and planning for the future. After becoming aware of where you are and where you would like to be, acceptance is the next step. Whatever or whoever you want to be or not to be is great for planning...

The Most Important Step You Can Take Towards a Great Relationship

It All Begins With You As human beings it is natural to not want to be alone. In our society we often search for things to fulfill us and complete us. These things might be the person of our dreams, the ideal home, or the perfect wardrobe. What often happens when you...

What is the Secret to a Great Relationship?

The Art of Self-Love Self-love is the core of happiness in or out of a relationship, and it took me a long time to realize it. Before that I was on a long journey of many relationship ups and downs— mostly downs. I wish I had a relationship coach back then to help me...

What people say about Relationship Divas

“It was transformative working with Arminda, I found her professional approach and practical tools a game changer for me” ~Shannon, Ontario

“I was at an exceedingly difficult crossroads in my life, working with Diane helped me build an understanding and the confidence to move forward and make some changes. That opened the door to a new relationship” ~Mary, Alberta

“The process that my relationship coach used was so practical and I felt very supported, I was able to find the relationship that I had been seeking” ~Desiree, Ontario

“I found Diane very kind and understanding but also powerful enough to help me find my power again and along the way I found a great relationship” ~Anonymous, BC.

“Arminda is a great combination of intelligence and compassion and the relationship coaching process she used worked for me” ~Kaitlyn, PEI

“From the moment I started working with my relationship coach I felt a sense of relief, I was finally doing something to change. I really liked the fact the process was based on science and professional processes. Thank you” Rebecca, Vancouver B.C.