Finding Happiness in your Relationship Right Now

At Relationship Divas we talk a lot about working on yourself and planning for the future. After becoming aware of where you are and where you would like to be, acceptance is the next step. Whatever or whoever you want to be or not to be is great for planning purposes. However, without accepting your current situation, while you aspire for perfection you will miss out on the perfect being you already are.

Sounds hokey, right? Remember, ―Happiness is the journey, not the destination.

I can‘t tell you how much time, effort and brain power I‘ve spent thinking about and regretting my belly; and I know I‘m not alone. If only I was 10/20 pound lighter, then I’d be perfect, and every man would be after me. The truth is that, without losing that weight I was already a highly desirable women, but I didn‘t really believe it and so I didn’t act like it. It was also hard for me to believe that anyone else would.

There are some things you can change but won‘t, some things you can‘t change, and some things that you are trying to change. In the meantime, it will save a lot of non-constructive worry to accept things as they are.

The serenity prayer really puts this into perspective:

―God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Anonymous

So while I continue to try and lose this extra 10 to 15 pounds, I can accept my current situation and find the beauty in it. I know I am an attractive person today.

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