How to Find a Better Relationship

Be a Better You

To find a good partner you need to be a good partner.

If you are looking for a high quality person, you need to understand exactly what that means. If there are qualities that you are looking for in a partner, you first need to be able to bring out those qualities in yourself. This is key to helping you find a better relationship.


The first step is awareness. How can you improve anything if you don‘t know that it needs fixing? You will never get a prescription for glasses if you‘re not aware that you have bad eyesight. So what are the things that you would like to work on?

Your Challenge

Try this: Make a list of the ten most important qualities that you are looking for in a partner, in order of priority.

Beside each quality rate yourself between one and 10 of how much you think you have or exhibit that quality yourself.

For any characteristics that you have rated yourself below seven, list one or two things that you can do to improve yourself.

The keys to implementing change are to be aware of where you would like to be, and then to clarify what you need to do to improve your position. Finally and most importantly, hold yourself accountable for changing by giving yourself due date for each action.

A relationship coach can guide you through this process.

Contact us to learn about how a Relationship Coach can help you find a better relationship and the happiness you deserve.

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