by Relationship Divas | Oct 15, 2020 | Blog
Be a Better You To find a good partner you need to be a good partner. If you are looking for a high quality person, you need to understand exactly what that means. If there are qualities that you are looking for in a partner, you first need to be able to bring out...
by Relationship Divas | Oct 15, 2020 | Blog
Listen…You might find You already know it’s time Your Relationship Must End Your inner critic is that little, or not so little voice that criticizes, second guesses and just generally provides a negative soundtrack. Everyone has one, the level to which you...
by Relationship Divas | Oct 15, 2020 | Blog
You will attract what you are. Whatever level you are at, you will most likely end up with someone at the same level. If you are emotionally disturbed you will attract an emotionally disturbed person. This may manifest itself in a different way; for example, a woman...
by Relationship Divas | Sep 25, 2020 | Blog
At Relationship Divas we talk a lot about working on yourself and planning for the future. After becoming aware of where you are and where you would like to be, acceptance is the next step. Whatever or whoever you want to be or not to be is great for planning...
by Relationship Divas | Sep 25, 2020 | Blog
It All Begins With You As human beings it is natural to not want to be alone. In our society we often search for things to fulfill us and complete us. These things might be the person of our dreams, the ideal home, or the perfect wardrobe. What often happens when you...